Our surge protective devices of type 1+2, type 2 and type 3 provide effective protection for your electronic devices. Our product range features convenient, ready-to-install solutions for all of your applications.

Your advantages

  • Can be used in all standard power supply systems, thanks to powerful components
  • Superior system availability, thanks to spark gap technology without line follow current
  • Consistent protection across all protection levels, thanks to coordinated protective devices
  • Space-saving and inexpensive installation, thanks to slim design
  • Know what’s happening in advance, thanks to the predictive testing of the pluggable protective devices
  • Surge protection for power supplies is part of the COMPLETE line system

The Safe Energy Control product range

Safe Energy Control (SEC) is a product family with exceptional durability and maximum performance in the field of lightning current and surge protection. The revolutionary spark gap technology safely prevents any line follow current. This reduces the stress on the entire installation to a minimum. The surge protective devices operate in the background, preserving the entire system. Backup-fuse-free solutions are available for all applications. The consistent pluggable system rounds out the SEC family.

Type 1+2 combined lightning current and surge arresters

Every type 1 lightning current arrester fulfills the maximum requirements with respect to its discharge capacity. At the same time, it is also a surge protective device (SPD) of type 2. The fact that a type 1 lightning current arrester satisfies test class II is a redundant piece of information and does not constitute an additional qualification. Therefore, these types of protective device are called “combined lightning current and surge arresters” (SPD type 1+2). A combined lightning current and surge arrester is a protective device that fulfills both test classes.

Type 1+2 combined lightning current and surge arresters special

The type 1+2 combined lightning current and surge arrester special differs fundamentally from the type 1+2 combined lightning current and surge arrester. This is because the type 1+2 combined lightning current and surge arrester special contains two independent protective devices that are switched in parallel while occupying minimal space. The voltage-switching spark gap (SPD type 1+2) works ideally in combination with a voltage-limiting varistor (SPD type 2).  In this combination, two autonomous protective devices in one compact block ensure optimum response behavior, optimum system protection, and a long service life for the components.

Type 2 surge protective devices

Type 2 surge protective devices (SPDs) are generally installed in sub-distribution stations or machine control cabinets. They form the second protection level in a three-level surge protection design. SPDs of type 2 must be able to protect against surge voltages from indirect lightning strikes or switching operations. Surge voltages caused by switching operations are often highly dynamic and occur much more frequently than surge voltages caused by lightning. Technology featuring a fast response behavior – such as varistor technology – has proven itself here.

Protection for every circumstance

Surge voltages are potential interference factors. Without effective protection, you can expect high costs for repairing or replacing the equipment affected.

The multi-level concept from Phoenix Contact provides effective protection for your systems and devices.

  • Type 1 protection level:
    Powerful lightning current arrester (type 1+2 combined lightning current and surge arrester or type 1+2 special combined lightning current and surge arrester)
  • Type 2 protection level:
    Surge protection that is essential for any power supply
  • Type 3 protection level:
    Surge protection for sensitive end devices